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Knowing when to blow the full-time whistle on your betting | Meta tkun taf tgħid daqshekk imħatri sportivi

Our General Manager, Mr Kevin O'Neill, provides insight into sports betting during global events such as Euro 2024.

"Whether you're a seasoned punter or a casual fan trying your luck, perhaps for the first time, let responsible gambling be your guiding star".

Il-General Manager tagħna, is-Sur Kevin O'Neill, jitfa' ħarstu fuq imħatri sportivi waqt avvenimenti bħall-Ewro 2024.

"Jekk inti persuna midħla tal-imħatri, jew inkella dilettant li qed tipprova ssib il-fortuna għall-ewwel darba, ħalli l-logħob responsabbli jidderiġik 'il bogħod mill-konsegwenzi".

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